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This function takes in a level 0 dataset (uncleaned location data in UTM coordinates) and performs minimal pre-processing to return a level 1 dataset. See latlon_to_utm to convert from lat/lon to UTM.


  input_file_path = NULL,
  output_file_path = NULL,
  xs = NULL,
  ys = NULL,
  timestamps = NULL,
  ids = NULL,
  breaks = NULL,
  remove_unrealistic_speeds = T,
  remove_isolated_points = T,
  remove_unrealistic_locations = T,
  interpolate_small_gaps = T,
  interpolate_stationary_periods = T,
  max_speed_percentile = 0.9995,
  max_speed = NULL,
  max_sd_away = 10,
  max_dist_percentile = 0.9999,
  max_isolated_point_dist = 1000,
  max_interp_len = 5,
  max_move_dist = 5,
  max_move_time = 5,
  bounding_box = NULL,
  verbose = T



full path to the input file containing xs, ys, timestamps, and ids (overrides manual passing in of these parameters), must be an RData file


full path to the output file where the level 1 dataset will be stored, must end in .RData


n_inds x n_times matrix giving x coordinates (in UTM eastings) of each individual over time (if an input file is not specified, pass this in manually)


n_inds x n_times matrix giving y coordinates (in UTM northings) of each individual over time (if an input file is not specified, pass this in manually)


vector of timestamps (if an input file is not specified, pass this in manually)


data frame containing information about each individual (if an input file is not specified, pass this in manually)


vector giving indexes to breaks in the data (e.g. gaps between recording intervals), if the sequence is not continuous. breaks should specify the index associated with the beginning of each interval, starting with 1 (the first interval)


whether to remove unrealistic speeds (T or F)


whether to remove isolated points (T or F)


whether to remove unrealistic locations (T or F)


whether to interpolate small gaps (T or F)


whether to interpolate stationary periods (T or F) - cannot be run unless interpolate_small_gaps is also T


quantile to use to define the maximum speed


maximum speed (overrides max_speed_percentile if specified). This value is interpreted as the max allowable meters traveled in one time step in timesteps.


standard deviation of xs and ys distributions for each individual beyond which points will be removed


quantile to use to define the maximum x and y coordinates of points to check for isolation (those outside and isolated will be removed)


maximum isolated point distance


maximum length of an NA gap to linearly interpolate (number of time points)


maximum distance moved during a time max_move_time to be considered stationary during interpolation of stationary periods (interpolated using the average position)


maximum time of a gap to interpolate if stationary (number of time points)


vector of length 4 giving a bounding box outside of which points will be removed - should be in the format c(min_easting, max_easting, min_northing, max_northing)


whether to print out progress and information


Returns a list containing new xs and ys matrices, and also saves them plus the timestamps and ids objects to an output file if specified


The function performs the following steps (in order):

  1. If remove_isolated_points = T, finds extreme distances > max_dist_percentile quantile (default 99.99%) or < 1 - max_dist_percentile of xs or ys for each individual and, if there are no other points from that individual within max_isolated_point_dist (default 1000 m) of that point, replaces them with NAs

  2. If remove_unrealistic_speeds = T, removes unrealistic speeds (greater than max_speed_percentile) and replaces them with NAs (default .9995 quantile, or alternatively a max speed max_speed can be set manually).

  3. If remove_unrealistic_locations = T, finds extreme xs and ys above mean + sd * max_sd_away (default 10) for each ind and removes those

  4. If bounding_box != NULL, removes all points outside of a specified bounding_box = c(min_easting, max_easting, min_northing, max_northing)

  5. If interpolate_small_gaps = T, fills in missing data gaps less than length max_interp_len with linear interpolation (default 5)

  6. If interpolate_stationary_periods = T, finds instances where an animal did not move more than max_move_dist (default 5 m) during an NA gap of < max_move_time (default 300 timesteps) and replaces them with the mean location of the individual between start and end of the sequence


Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin (primary author)