Synch labels within audio file to UTC time
Reads in a label file (in Audition format) and a synch file, gets synch points, and synchs all labels in the file to UTC. Outputs a table with an additional column specifying timestamp_UTC. Currently only designed to work with meerkat data.
path_to_synch_file = "~/EAS_shared/meerkat/working/METADATA/total_synch_info.csv",
path_to_rawdata_dir = "~/EAS_shared/meerkat/archive/rawdata/",
min_offset_outlier = 0.5,
min_n_synchs = 3,
min_frac_spanned_by_synchs = 0.2,
make_plot = T,
handle_special_cases = T,
quadratic_fit = F
- path_to_label_file
path to the label file from Audition
- path_to_synch_file
path to the synch file
- path_to_rawdata_dir
path to directory where raw data is stored (for matching wav file names)
- min_offset_outlier
minimum offset (in seconds) between fitted times and labeled talking clock times to be considered an outlier
- min_n_synchs
minimum number of synchs (after excluding outliers) to perform a fit
- min_frac_spanned_by_synchs
minimum fraction of the total file length (between first and last label time) spanned by synch calls to complete the synching
- make_plot
whether to also output a plot showing the synchs in time in recording vs talking clock time, with the final fit and outliers indicated
- handle_special_cases
whether (
) to handle a few special cases in the synch info table, such as when the synch clock stopped or when two synch clocks were around due to a group split with rovers - these cases had to be hardcoded in. this parameter should always be set toT
for meerkat data- quadratic_fit
whether (
) to perform a quadratic fit to the synchs
Returns a list containing:
: basename of the label file
: T or F, whether the synch was completed successfully
If synch_completed == T
, also output:
: data frame with columns:
(unique id associated with a particular lable, constructed from wav_file|label_name|t0_file|duration
(raw wav file name, without file extension)
(csv label file name without file extension)
(name of the label)
(date in format YYYYMMDD)
(individual ID code, e.g. 'VCVM001')
(start time of label marker in file, in seconds into the file)
(label marker duration, in seconds)
(synched time of the label marker start in UTC)
(synched time of the label marker midpoint in UTC)
(synched time of the label marker end in UTC)
: data frame containing synch labels used in the fit, and computed information about them
: data frame with points labeled as outliers as well as filenames, plus some other columns of info
If synch_completed == F
, also output:
: a string explaining why the file could not be synched