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Detects splits and merges (a.k.a. fissions and fusions) using "sticky-DBSCAN" method from Libera et al. 2023.


  breaks = c(1, length(timestamps) + 1),
  names = NULL,
  break_by_day = F,
  verbose = T



UTM eastings matrix (n_inds x n_times matrix where xsi,t gives the easting of individual i at time step t)


UTM northings matrix (n_inds x n_times matrix where ysi,t gives the northing of individual i at time step t)


vector of timestamps (POSIXct), must have same dimensions as columns of xs and ys matrices


inner distance threshold to identify periods of connectedness (numeric)


outer distance threshold to identify periods of connectedness (numeric)


indexes to breaks in the data (default NULL treats data as a contiguous sequence). If specified, overrides break_by_day


optional vector of names (if NULL, will be defined as as.character(1:n_inds))


whether to break up data by date (T or F)


whether to print out statements as code progresses


a list containing:

events_detected: data frame with info on detected fissions and fusions, and limited info for shuffles

all_events_info: list of information about all fission-fusion (or shuffle) events.

groups_list: list of subgroups in each timestep

together: n_inds x n_inds x n_times array of whether dyads are connected (1) or not (0) or unknown (NA)

R_inner: inner radius used in the computations (same as R_inner above)

R_outer: outer radius used in the computations (same as R_outer above)


Start by defining an adjacency matrix (together in the code) of which dyads are "connected" at any moment in time. Dyads are considered to be connected if they go within a distance R_inner of one another, and they continue to be connected until they leave a distance R_outer of one another on both ends (before and after) of the period where their distance dropped below R_inner. This double threshold makes periods of connectedness more stable by removing the "flicker" that would result from having a single threshold.

NAs are handled by ending a period of connectedness if an individual has an NA at the point immediately before / after (if the were connected after / before that NA). Individuals with NAs are not included in the together matrix and will not be included in the groups. Once connectedness of dyads is determined, merge dyads together into groups by using DBSCAN on 1 - together as the distance matrix, with eps equal to something small (.01 in the code). Store these groups in groups_list, a list of lists whose length is equal to n_times. Stepping through the groups_list, identify all changes in group membership, i.e. consecutive time points when the groups do not match. The algorithm flags any change, including instances where individuals disappear or reappear in groups due to missing data (but these are later ignored). Store in changes data frame.

In a last step, identify all splits ('fission'), merges ('fusion'), and things that cannot be classified as either fissions or fusions because they contain elements of both ('shuffle'). This is done by constructing a bipartite network at each time step t, where groups at time t are connected to groups at time t + 1 if they share at least 1 member. Then, we identify the connected components of this bipartite network. Components where a single group (node) at time t is connected to multiple groups (nodes) at time t + 1 get identified and classified as event_type = 'fission'. Components where multiple nodes at time t are connected to a single node at time t + 1 are classified as event_type = 'fusion'. Components where a single node at time t is connected to a single node at time t + 1 are skipped (they are not fissions, fusions, or shuffles). All other events where more complex things happen are classified as event_type = 'shuffle'.

After events are identified, various event features are computed and saved in a data frame. See list of outputs for more details.

Additional information about returned objects

events_detected data frame:

events_detected$event_idx: unique id number of the event

events_detected$tidx: (initial) time index of the event

events_detected$event_type: "fission" or "fusion" or "shuffle

events_detected$n_groups_before: number of groups prior to the event

events_detected$n_groups_after: number of groups after the event

events_detected$big_group_idxs: indexes of all the individuals involved in the event

events_detected$big_group: names of all the individuals involved in the event

events_detected$group_A_idxs, $group_B_idxs, $group_C_idxs, etc.: individual idxs of subgroup members

events_detected$group_A, $group_B, $group_C, etc.: names of subgroup members

events_detected$n_A, $n_B, $n_C etc.: number of individuals in each subgroup

events_detected$n_big_group: number of individuals in the big group (original group for fissions, subseq group for fusions)

(NOTE: big_group_idxs, big_group, group_A_idxs etc., group_A etc. n_A etc. and n_big_group are set to NA for shuffles... you can get more detailed info for shuffles from all_events_info object))

all_events_info list:

all_events_info[[i]] contains the following info for event i:

all_events_info[[i]]$t: time index of the event

all_events_info[[i]]$groups_before: (list of lists) list of groups before the event (at time t)

all_events_info[[i]]$groups_after: (list of lists) list of groups after the event (at time t + 1)

all_events_info[[i]]event_type: 'fission', 'fusion', or 'shuffle' (character string)

all_events_info[[i]]$n_groups_before: number of groups before the event

all_events_info[[i]]$n_groups_after: number of groups after the event

groups_list list:

groups_list[[t]] gives a list of the subgroups

groups_list[[t]][[1]] gives the vector of the first subgroup, etc.


Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin (primary author)

Eli Strauss (code reviewer, May 2024)