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Analyze (and, if make_plot=T make a visualization of) a fission-fusion event.


  max_time = 600,
  thresh_h = 50,
  thresh_l = 15,
  depart_or_arrive_radius = 15,
  time_window = 300,
  seconds_per_time_step = 1,
  breaks = NULL,
  break_by_day = F,
  make_plot = T



a data frame of fission-fusion events, output from identify_splits_and_merges


index of the row to use in the events table


n_inds x n_times matrix of x coordinates


n_inds x n_times matrix of y coordinates


vector of timestamps of length n_times in datetime format


maximum time steps forward and back to look for the start and end of the event (units are timesteps, not seconds)


upper threshold for determining when subgroups are "apart" (default 50)


lower threshold for determining when subgroups are "together" (default 15)


threshold for determining what an individual has departed (for fissions) or arrived (for fusions) at the group, used in computing departure/arrival times and headings


time steps to move backward or forward in time to identify the before and after times (units are timesteps, not seconds)


seconds per time step (default 1)


indexes to breaks in the data (default NULL treats data as a contiguous sequence). If specified, overrides break_by_day


whether to break up data by date (T or F)


whether to plot the event (if T) or not (if F)


Returns a list (out) of information extracted about the event, as well as a plot (if make_plot = T).

The list contains:

start_time: start time index

end_time: end time index

before_time: before time index

after_time: after time index

disps: matrix of displacements of the different subgroups (rows) during the different time intervals (columns). Rows and columns are named for easy access.

speeds: same format as disps matrix, but with speeds, in m / s

split_angle: split angle in degrees, description above

turn_angle_A: turning angle for subgroup A in degrees, description above

turn_angle_B: turn angle for subgroup B in degrees, description above

depart_or_arrive_times: vector of departure (fission) or arrival (fusion) times for each individual in big_group_idxs (from original events table)

depart_or_arrive_headings: vector of departure (fission) or arrival (fusion) headings for each individual in big_group_idxs (from original events table)

depart_or_arrive_time_diff: difference between the mean departure (fission) or arrival (fusion) time across the two subgroups

depart_or_arrive_heading_diff: difference between the mean vector departure (fission) or arrival (fusion) heading across the two subgroups

The plot shows (top) dyadic distance over time with lines showing the identified times and (bottom) a visualization of trajectories of the two subgroups.


This function takes in information about a fission or fusion event as well as tracking data to identify relevant time points in the fission or fusion event and compute relevant metrics about the event. First, the start_time and end_time of the event are determined based on a double threshold method, then a before_time and after_time are identified. This identifies 3 phases of the event: before (before_time:start_time), during (start_time:end_time) and after (end_time:after_time). Finally the displacements and speeds of the subgroups during these phases and various relevant angles are calculated. More details are given below. Note that this function can only consider events involving 2 subgroups.

Additional details

How are the start and end time identified?

As a start, we look at a window of time around an identified event (can be manually or automatically identified). The size of the window is determined by the parameter 'max_time', and we go from (tidx - max_time):(tidx + max_time) where tidx is the identified event time index.

Within the window, we compute the distance between the centroids of the two subgroups that are splitting or merging at each time point. We then use a double threshold method to determine the start and end point of the fission or fusion event within that time window. To do so, we first categorize all time points as being above the higher threshold thresh_h (2), between the two thresholds (1), or below the lower threshold thresh_l (0). We then identify contiguous periods of time where the dyadic distance went from 2-111111(any number of ones)-0 (i.e. high-mid-low) for a fusion or 0-1111...-2 (i.e. low-mid-high) for a fission. If there are multiple possible time periods detected within the window, we choose the one where the start time is closest to tidx. (See also subtlety 1 below).

How are the before and after times identified?

The before time is defined as the time point tidx - time_window (default time_window = 300 time steps), unless the two groups are not sufficiently together (for a fission) or apart (for a fusion) at that time. If the latter, the before_time is identified as the point just before the two subgroups cross a threshold thresh_m midway between the upper and lower thresholds used to define the start and end times (i.e. usually at (thresh_l + thresh_h) / 2, though if the upper or lower thresholds get modified due to subtlety 1 below, this will also modify thresh_m accordingly).

The logic here is that, for a fusion we are looking for what the full group (combination of the two eventual subgroups) was doing before they began to split. However, we do not want this point to fall during a prior fusion event, so we require the centroids of the two subgroups to be less than (thresh_l + thresh_h) / 2 distance apart. The after time is defined in an analogous way, but using the time period after the event. It is usually set to tidx + time_window, unless the subgroups come back too close together (for a fission) or go too far apart (for a fusion). Again, we use the time just prior to crossing the midway point between the two thresholds as the after_time, if this threshold is crossed before time_window seconds has elapsed.

How are the displacements defined?

We compute the displacement of the centroid of each subgroup (group A and group B) as well as the displacement of the centroid of the combined group (group AB) during each of the time windows: before (before_time:start_time), during (start_time:end_time) and after (end_time:after_time).

How are the angles defined?

We define 3 relevant angles relevant to a fission event (might define more later for merge events): split_angle: this is the angle at which the two groups split. It is defined as the angle traced out by the points p_A(end_time), p_AB(start_time), and p_B(end_time) where p_A(t) is the position of subgroup A's centroid at time t and likewise for subgroup B and the combined group. turn_angle_A: the turning angle of subgroup A. This is defined as the angle formed by the points p_AB(before_time), p_AB(start_time), and p_A(end_time) turn_angle_B: likewise for subgroup B Note that all angles use the point p_AB(start_time) as their central point

How are departure time difference and departure angular difference calculated?

To calculate the departure time difference and angular difference, we start by computing the centroid of the full group at the event start time - call this the group start position. We then determine, for each individual in each subgroup, a departure time that is defined as the first time after start time when that individual crossed a threshold distance (depart_or_arrive_radius) from the start position. We then compute the departure heading for each individual as the vector pointing from the group start position to the position of the individual at its departure time.

Once we have computed departure times and departure headings for each individual, we compute an aggregated metric of the disagreement in times and headings for the entire event. For departure time, we calculate the time disagreement as the absolute difference between the mean departure_time of each subgroup. Similarly, for departure heading, we calculate the directional disagreement as the angle between the (vector) mean heading of each subgroup. The angle between vectors is defined between 0 and pi radians. The time difference is defined in seconds.

We can do the equivalent calculations for fusion events. Here, we define the group end position as the centroid of the combined group at the end_time, and use this position as the reference point for all the other calculations. Looking backward in time, we find the arrival time for each individual, defined as the latest time before the end time where that individual remained outside a threshold distance of depart_or_arrive_radius. The headings and time differences are then computed as above, and the differences between times and angles as well.

To avoid having different column names for all of the above variables in the code, we create the columns: group_start_or_end_position which is defined as the group start position for a fission and the group end position for a fusion, depart_or_arrive_times which is a list of departure times (in the case of fissions) or arrival times (in the case of fusions), depart_or_arrive_headings which is a lsit of departure headings (in the case of fissions) or arrival headings (in the case of fusions), depart_or_arrive_time_diff which is a single number representing the time disagreement of departure (for fissions) or arrival (for fusions) times, depart_or_arrive_heading_diff which is a single number representing the directional disagreement of departure (for fissions) or arrival (for fusions) headings.


Subtlety 1: Sometimes, due to the multi-scale nature of these events and the fact that we are approximating subgroup locations with centroids, the dyadic distance does not go below the lower threshold thresh_l and/or above the upper threshold thresh_h. In this case, we still try to identify the start_time and end_time, but modify the thresholds as follows:

First, let's define the period between tidx - max_time and tidx as the prior period, the period between tidx and tidx + max_time as the subsequent period, and the period between (tidx - max_time/2) and (tidx + max_time/2) as the middle period.

For a fission, if the dyadic distance does not go above thresh_h in the subsequent period, then we instead replace thresh_h with the maximum - .001 of the dyadic distance during that time period. Second, if the dyadic distance during the middle period does not drop below thresh_l, then we instead move thresh_l to the minimum + .001 of the dyadic distance during the middle period.

For a fusion, everything is reversed. If the dyadic distance does not go above thresh_h during the prior period, we replace thresh_h with the maximum - .001 of the dyadic distance during the subsequent period. And if the dyadic distance does not go below thresh_l during the middle period, we replace thresh_l with the minimum + .001 of the dyadic distance during the middle period.

In very rare cases, due to these rules the upper bound may get changed to something below the original thresh_l, or the lower bound may get changed to something above the original thresh_h. In that case, we revert to the original thresholds.

Subtlety 2: NA handling. NAs are handled in a couple of different ways:

For finding the start_time and end_time, NAs are essentially ignored, and cannot be part of the sequence from start_time:end_time (at least not in terms of the) dyadic distance... individuals can drop out and they will just be excluded from the centroid calculation.

If no start and end times are found, nothing else is computed (all output values are filled in with NAs or NULL for matrices).

For finding the before_time and after_time, if an NA is hit in the forward or backward direction, the before_time (or respectively, the after_time) is marked as NA. Metrics involving that time point can then not be computed and are also set to NA.

If the start_time and end_time are in different data chunks (as specified by breaks), then both are given NA.

If the before_time and start_time, or after_time and end_time, are in different data chunks (as specified by breaks), then both are given NA.

If the before_time or after_time are NA, then other metrics stemming from those times get NA


Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin (primary author)